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Hobo Music
Many fine musical stylings to choose from.
Hobos have a long history of music. Whether it's a harmonica sing-along at the hobo camp, or a more formal arrangement in a parish house or bar, hobo song and story is delightful to listen to and share. Often a Hobo song tells of a "glamourous" life on the road, or a jungle camp dream of a better existence.
Whistle along to these selections - and let us know of more treasures we can feature here!
The Big Rock Candy Mountain - Harry McClintock
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Last of the Hobo Kings - Mary Gauthier
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The Big Rock Candy Mountain
by Harry McClintock
This is the seminal hobo song. All about the vivid fantasy life of a perfect "hobo paradise". YouTube with lyrics here.
Two Miles of Train - Corin Raymond
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Till You Come to Meet Me - Spencer Day
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Hobo Bill's Last Ride - Jimmie Rodgers
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Other Hobo Songs
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